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Monday, January 1, 2001

student gifts

winter 2008 this is liz, a top student, i have the fortune of having her in my class for the third time this term (uh, not the same class 3x, i mean, she keeps 'leveling up' in classes). she doesnt go to public school, she's home schooled and really disciplined: always has all her homework finished, gets As on every test; she seems to understand the value to doing something for the sake of learning rather than for credit or bonus points. She wasnt in class for two weeks, she'd traveled to...i think.. Vietnam? To do volunteer work of some sort. Last time i had her in my class, i think she did something similar, but went to cambodia? Watch out for this girl, she's going to be something special, i tell ya! she brought me these chocolate cocktail cremes when she returned from her trip. Woo, these were POTENT! i ate one in class, and made all kinds of faces, the kids laughed and asked if i was drunk.

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