im just one person. for more soko info, please check the fb group BSSK, focused on expats of color

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 12:01:33 +0000
dear mom and dad,

i got my first cable bill today. i think it says the bill is 5$. one of the kids at the school helped me out with reading it, as well as writing my adrs in english. it looks different from what i gave you before, but after talking to a couple of people, i guess so long as you have the crucial bits of info, the mail gets there...

Sister Sha in Seoul
Kyunggi Do, Anyang City,
Dong An Gu, Burim Dong 1598-1
Dongyang Tres Belle Officetel #915
post code 431-815
South Korea

we're down to the last week of the term. it's been 3 months already, wow. some students have been a little more naughty with their cell phones, as my colleagues tell me this is common at the end of the term. the kids text message like crazy, like over 100 messages a day! can you imagine? i know that back home, unless it's a part of your plan, you need to lay off the texting! i remember i spend over 20$ on text alone one month. but i guess here, where the texting is cheap if not free, it's good for the students. they are so busy always with all their school work, maybe texting is one of the few ways they can even keep in contact and socialize with each other.

i'll only have one more saturday with little jonny! i like him so much, but i hope he is not my student next semester! he has been one of my most difficult students, but one of my favorites. he is so smart, but the grades dont reflect it, bummer. today in class i told him that he is lucky that he is my student on saturday (b/c for sure during the week im not so relaxed and the kids never behave the way he does. jonny tells me, "sister sha, you're happy that you have naughty student, b/c then you can play." :) little shit!

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