subject:snow snow snow
dear mom and dad,
i think the snow is about over, hallelujah. i will simply never understand this maddness of living in a place such as this. i also cannot understand why i am still here during wintertime. i will be back in san diego come next winter, even if i have to swim across the ocean to do so.
this has been the worst winter ever, i ahve never ever seen so much snow in my entire life. My korean friends say the same, my older korean friends say it used to snow like this when they were small children, and now THEIR children are super excited for all the snow to play in. One korean friend said they saw on the news that this is korea's worst snow in the last 103 years... there is a tendency to exaggerate in this culture, but one thing is true: there was a shit-ton of snow this year. other than the occasional knitting meeting, you can put money on it that i have been mostly indoors. btw, i knit the blue hat im wearing int he photos :)
xmas was really great, a friend had a potluck, i brought plates and flatware of course b/c i didnt cook anything. it was so much fun, another friend brought a video game "rock band," as you can see in the attached pictures, im really good at it and have a natural talent on the guitar and drums.
some friends of mine went snowboarding for x-mas break, which i of course thought was insane. one girlfriend of mine, Kayla, had this conversation with one of her students before the break:
Korean Kid:"What are you doing for x-mas?"
Korean Kid: "Your people skin is don't like cold, is it right?"
kayla: *side eye*
love you miss you